Forbidding Canyon

A mile downstream from Rainbow Bridge, Bridge Creek in Bridge Canyon joins Aztec Creek in Forbidding Canyon, which then empties into the Colorado River in Glen Canyon two miles farther downstream. The first two pairs of photographs below were taken at the junction of Bridge and Forbidding Canyons, the first pair looking up Bridge Canyon and the second pair looking up Forbidding Canyon. There is now ~50 m of water where Hanks stood in 1927. The third pair of photographs is at the mouth of Forbidding Canyon and its confluence with the Colorado River in Glen Canyon. As indicated by the abundance of sand along the river margins in the third pair of photographs, the Colorado here was incapable of moving coarser-grained material downstream (apart from flood stages) because the Colorado River along this stretch of Glen Canyon has a very flat gradient, ~1 ft/mile. For comparison, the average gradient of the Grand Canyon downstream is 8 ft/mile.

The last three pairs of photographs here were taken on the bluffs just to the east of the mouth of Forbidding Canyon, but approximately 1000 ft above it. The first pair looks downstream (WSW), and the second pair looks WNW up to Navajo Point on the distant skyline in the middle left. The third pair looks SES at Navajo Mountain. R.H. Webb re-occupied the first and second camera stations (Stakes 4874a and 4874b) to be at the same location, 37.12228° N, 110.97050° W, 1200m elev. The third station was not occupied by Webb, so we have used Google Earth to try to find it, knowing that Hanks must have stood fairly close to the edge of Oak Creek the gorge of which is in the foreground. The nominal location of the ‘camera station’ for the “Goog-lepeat” is 37.11846° N, 110.96424° W, 1217m, about half a mile to the southeast of the other camera station. The focal parameters of Hanks’s camera and the Goog-lepeat are very different, of course, but the fields of view are similar enough for an intrepid photographer (who from lake level must first ascend 100m or more of steep, bald rock) to get to this location.

At the intersection of Bridge and Forbidding Canyons (1927)
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We turn our steps towards home. Bridge Canyon again (1927)
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"The following day we journey down Bridge Canyon to the Colorado River" (1927)
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"Looking down the Colorado from the southeastern side" (1927)
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Taken on the bluffs just to the east of the mouth, looking northwest, to Navajo Point on the distant skyline in the middle left (2006)
Photographed by R.H. Webb (U.S.G.S.)
Stake# 4874a
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Not-si-san [Navajo Mountain] from the canyon walls of the Colorado River (1927)
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