Accessing Records

Accessing the archives ranges from an in-person visit to a mouse click. Archivists provide patrons with published finding guides, online search engines, and personal expertise to help them navigate collections. Finding guides often tell stories in and of themselves. The P.T. Reilly Collection online finding aid not only gives a brief biographical sketch of Reilly and outlines the content of the collection. It also provides patrons with a short history of how the materials arrived in Special Collections through a series of gifts, as well as an explanation about the original order to Reilly's documents and why archivists withheld some material until a later date. Providing this information both helps researchers find information and to gives them insight into the person or persons behind the collection.

The P.T. Reilly Collection online finding aid.

Take a look at the links to the right showing other tools Special Collections offers to help the public find information, but please also stay tuned to see how archivists provide other services to help customers gain greater and easier access to archival materials.

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